viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013


This activity is directed to students of sixth os Primary Education. In this case they can learn much new and useful vocabulary and they will have to read and understand the text. They can also surf on the internet to learn how to find information.


The statue of                 in                .                 was born in Mazovia in P              in 1810. When he was seven years oldhe was already a brilliant pianist. He was a great composer and his piano music is world-famous and very popular.

  •                                         .

The statue of                     in               .                 was born in 1412 in the village of Domrémy in F             . She was only a young girl but she was also a soldier and a famous leader in the war against the English.


The statue of              in              .             was born in Norfolk, E             , in 1758. He was a great sailor. He was famous for his victory against the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. His statue is in Trafalgar Square.

The statue of                   in                 .                   was born in 1807. His family were from Genoa, in I          . He was a famous politician and soldier, and a great leader.

Look at the four statues. Who are they? Where are they? Fill the gaps with the people and the cities.

  • Nelson    Garivaldi     Chopin    Joan de Arc

  • Rome     Warsaw     Paris      London

Complete the biographies with the names of the countries they were from.

You can use the Internet to look for information.

6 comentarios:

  1. It seems very nice this activity you've proposed. It seems that we always used to make vocabulary activities or crafts related skills, body parts, parts of the house, around the school, numbers, colors ... But teach our students, art and history is also essential for culrural training.
    So I find it interesting that you promote this area in children, and the images are beautiful and the right exercise.
    Congratulations David.

  2. It's really interesting to use History in the blog. Students could work in pairs or small group to look for information in Internet. But I think it is a good idea provide students links to look for information (it is only a constructive suggestion).

    Anyway it is a great blog. Congratulations David¡¡¡
    Best whises.
    Gema Briones

  3. Hello David!

    Thanks for your comments in my blog¡¡¡
    It is a pleasure help you. First of all I uploaded pictures in HotPotatoes of my hard disk but I had problems. Then I tried :
    1. Upload pictures of Internet (with URL) in HotPotatoes. It works!!!
    2. Upload pictures, sounds or whatever you want in Dropbox and copy and paste URL public in Hotpotatoes. It works too!!!

    I hope help you.
    Gema Briones

  4. Hello David! I put this comment because I believe this activity is different in termes of comprehension. Students have to notice the beautiful pictures and then they fill the gaps with the information provide. I agree with you that this exercise is for students the last level. It is a good idea to look for information on the Internet.
    Good luck with your idea!
    Yours Faithfully
    Begoña Rguez

  5. Hello David,

    Filling gaps in a text I think is one of the activities that most children find it difficult because it much mind. So I find it very interesting because from childhood they have to learn to make decisions.
    I really liked your blog.

    A greeting.
